Monday, July 30, 2007
Jasmine fooling around in the living room while watching Blue's Clues! 7 30 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Visiting Titi Diana! July 27th-29th, 2007!!!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
Jasmine playing by herself in her room! 7 23 07
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Jasmine loves hanging out in her room! Sometimes she's gone for long periods of time and I start getting worried. This is what I find her doing!

Saturday, July 21, 2007
It's been quite the week in Starke County!!!

Beautiful Baby Contest!!!
Jasmine winning Grand Champion for modeling Wilma's dress!!!
Steven taught Jasmine to say BEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHH whenever he sees a sheep, I was surprised to see her actually do it. I was too late to catch it on video, but you can still hear a little bit! Now, everytime she sees an animal, no matter what kind of animal it is, she makes the sheep sound...It's too funny!
Can't wait til next year!!!
Friday, July 20, 2007
Jasmine's cousin Bailee got her ears pierced today. We went to give her our support. She looked adorable. Jasmine and I picked out her earrings!!! 7 20 07

Sunday, July 15, 2007
Ready for a spa day!

Saturday, July 14, 2007
Hanging out at Mamaw's House on Saturday, July 14th, 2007!!!
We spent the night at Mamaw's house last night because daddy wanted to help cook a dinner. I forgot to mention that daddy is both a cook AND a nurse anesthetist :-)

Here's daddy and Aunt Angie!

We went to the dog show for a little while at the fair after daddy was finished cooking! I'm ready for my nap!!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Today, I took Jasmine to her Gymboree class. This time, it was diffrent. They gave us a new handout:
The activities that focused on exploring the contrasts between the hard, soft, bumpy, squishy and smooth props and equipment exercised both big (arms and legs) and small (fingers and hands) muscled development and encouraged lots of back and forth interaction.
- The Tactile Zone helped your child discover the tactile differences between bumpy balls, textured playground balls, and smooth beach balls. How did your child tell you, which textures were her favorite? Your child's ablity to communicate with you is growing by leaps and bounds as she is increasingly able to use her face, voice, and gestures to make her feelings known. Climbing and crawling over and through this set-up also supported children's balance and motor planning skills (the series of steps needed to achieve a goal.)
- The Foam Zone made for an exciting obstacle course to master, with lots of different textures to touch and explore. Climbing over the foam pieces and up the wedge to drop playballs into the bucket below also gave children a chance to practice their motor planning skills. Stepping on and touching the various textures on this set-up (the soft foam, firmer wedge, lambskin and minichute) helped children learn about objects using their sense of touch.
- Working to accomploish the Big Tactile Walk helped children perfect their sense of balance. How does your child respond to challenges like this? Reading and responding to her emotional cues (excitement, fear, trepidation, etc.) make her feel safe and loved. Walking with another child during this activity encouraged children to interact with one another and their adult partners, enriching their early social skills.
As you try these activities with your child, watch for ways she is learning through her senses of communicating back-and-forth with you:
- Make ribbon rain. Fill a bucket with pieces of ribbon (each about 4-6 inches long.) Say, "Uh-oh, it's raining," and spill the bucket over your and your child's heads. Together, put the "raindrops" back in the bucket. Watch to see how our child communicates what he thinks of this game--does he grab the bucket to dump it next? Does he "tell" you he wants to keep playing or that he is not so crazy about it?
- Make a texture mountain. Pile up a bunch of pillow and cushions and then put a blanket, sheet, or raincoat over the top of the "mountain." Let your child climb to the top and then make his way back down. This kind of activity develops your child's ability to plan his actions to reach a goal.
Monday, July 09, 2007
Our baby is almost 14 months now!!!
At this point I'm still Jasmine's favorite playmate. But as she gets better at expressing herself through words and gestures, she's starting to enjoy being around other children. I started to take her on "sort of" playdates to Gymboree. I started noticing that she plays near other children but not really with them. I looked it up online and it says this is called "parallel play," and that it's perfectly normal for a 13-month-old who still thinks the world revolves around him.
That's Jasmine alright. Definetly thinking the world is hers.
I also read that she'll be better able to satisfy her curiosity about the world around her. So don't be too surprised if she ends up decorating the wall with that crayon she found on the floor; now that she's getting better at using her hands, works of art will soon start popping up all over the place... Can't wait. Thank God for Mr. Clean Magic Eraser right?
Communication with Jasmine is getting more sophisticated all the time. She's definetly got the hang of "Dada," "Mama," or should i say "Mani" instead of "Mami." She's also got a few other recognizable words, though she's still quite good at making her desires known without much vocabulary. She says "leche,""mas,""Vicky,""ball,""yummy yummy,""no,""Nana,""hot,"and she sings the Backyardigans Pirate song: "Treasure, Treasure, arghhh." When she wants down, she'll point down or just scoot down; when she wants your attention, she'll tug your shirt and yell "mani, mani." She's also understanding a good percentage of the simple language you use around her every day. We try to talk to her and read to her as much as possible. I almost forgot her favorite word EVER: "fruta." It means fruit. She loves loves loves fruits.
Yesterday, July 8th, 2007, Jasmine went pipi in the potty for the first time ever. It was insane. I was screaming and clapping and Jasmine was looking at us like we were crazy. She had no idea what she had done, and when she finished she got up, looked down at the potty and sat down again. I called Nana immediately and she couldn't believe it. It's official, my baby is a genious.
A genious idea of mine, I started bathing with Jasmine at the same time. She loves her favorite playmate in the tub with her. Wonder how long I can get away with that one. She's getting so big. We're both not gonna fit in the tub soon, especially with my big pregnant belly.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
More pictures of Jasmine playing in her new room!!!
7 7 07

Friday, July 06, 2007
My Gymboree class! I love it!!! 7 6 07

Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Hanging out at Wilma's House on July 4th, 2007!!!

On our way back, I took this video of Jasmine trying to sing the Backyardigan's Song "Treasure, Treasure:"