Thursday, November 30, 2006

Mommy and Me - November 2006

10:29 PM | 0 comments


Monday, November 27, 2006

This is baby abuelita from I just ordered it for Jasmine.Spanish Speacking "Abuelita" Granny Doll, sings the classic "Abuelita " songs.
Invented by three ingenious mothers - a teacher, a lawyer, and a therapist. The abuelitos are adorable dolls that take you on a nostalgic trip into your childhood with traditional melodies and songs. It recaptures memories of childhood and teaches a new generation the joys of our musical heritage.

Abuelita Rosa sings:

Arroz con Leche
Que linda manita que tiene la bebé
Esa niña linda
Pon, pon, pon el dedito en el pilón
Azótate la mocita
Duérmete mi niña

2:16 AM | 0 comments


Thursday, November 23, 2006

Jasmine was really tired today !!! Until she finally fell asleep, she cried the whole time !!!

8:07 PM | 0 comments


Jasmine's first Thanksgiving !!!

7:21 AM | 0 comments


Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Que linda manita !!!

10:45 PM | 0 comments


My little Jasmine suddenly got sick the day before we were to come home !!!

10:44 PM | 0 comments


Hangin' out w Aunt Angie !!!

10:38 PM | 0 comments


Princess Jasmine and her cousins !!!

10:34 PM | 0 comments


Nappy nappy time on Oct 16, 2006 w Papaw !!!

10:27 PM | 0 comments


Jasmine was being super duper loved on by her Mamaw and Papaw !!!

10:21 PM | 0 comments


Mamaw and Papaw w their grandaughter !!! October 16, 2006!!!

10:13 PM | 0 comments


A Bath with Cousin Bailee !!! October 16, 2006...

10:04 PM | 0 comments


9:53 PM | 0 comments
